Light: Aim for bright light, though it will tolerate varying levels from low light to full sun. Height: Up to 3 ft (90 cm) can be grown as a bonsai tree. Origin: Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia Photo ©Wirestock Growing Tips for Ming Aralia Warmth, humidity and sunlight will keep Ming Aralia healthy. With good care, this aralia is a long-lived plant and a lush, graceful accent for your home. 'Variegata' and 'Snowflake' are much sought-after cultivars, with leaves beautifully edged in white.

Look for Polyscias fruticosa to be sure you're getting this plant. You'll find Ming aralia for sale by its common name, although other types of aralia plants are sometimes labeled with the same name. But be warned, this easy-care house plant just may spoil you for anything else. If you're looking for a captivating floor plant, give Ming Aralia a try. Keep this tropical native warm and don't overwater - and you'll enjoy it for many years. Raising the humidity around it can help, too. A sudden change in light, such as moving your plant to a shadier location, may cause leaf drop. Is it growing new leaves at the stem tips? If so, this is just part of the normal growth. Leaf drop. If your Ming suddenly starts shedding leaves, don't panic. Mings are easily killed by overwatering, so use a pot with a drainage hole.

Pot taller plants in a heavy container to prevent toppling. Use the smallest pot that will hold its roots - aralias grow best when their roots are confined. Repot in spring only when it has outgrown its pot. Trimming Ming Aralia bonsai plant will keep it at 1 ft (30 cm) or less. Prune off the growing tips to encourage branching and denser foliage. You'll make it even more beautiful with regular pruning. If you want, you can keep it short and shrubby by cutting it back every spring. Over time, it will drop its lower leaves, revealing a gnarled tree-like trunk. Ming Aralia has an upright habit and won't grow very tall. Polyscias fruticosa 'Snowflake' has beautiful variegated foliage.